Symbolic Cohesion and Interpretive Freedom

Embodying Unity in Diversity through Warlpiri ngurra-kurlu and Indonesian Pancasila


  • Samuel Curkpatrick The University of Melbourne
  • Hery Susanto Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jemaat Kristus
  • Wanta Jampijinpa Pawu The University of Melbourne



Pancasila, Ngurra-Kurlu, social cohesion, religious diversity, pluralism, Indigenous, symbol, Christian faith


Within contemporary Australian and Indonesian society, diverse cultural and religious expressions are celebrated to promote mutual understanding and tolerance. However, while such expressions are treated as symbolic of broader pluralist or liberal ideals, the interpretive dynamics of these traditions are rarely considered integral to shaping mainstream discourse on social cohesion. In this article, we consider two distinctive contexts of Indigenous and minority engagement with aspirations for unity in diversity, a concept that can encapsulate a range of responses to varied contexts, such as religious diversity or the need for interdependence within social organisation. Specifically, we explore Warlpiri Australian formulations of kinship through ngurru-kurlu and Indonesian Christian engagement with Pancasila. Showing the potential for these perspectives to enrich broader discourse on social cohesion, we suggest that similarities in the originating impetus of these frameworks can stimulate heuristic enquiry and critical reflexivity across diverse settings. While upholding distinctly localised traditions and experiences, intimations of gift in traditional Warlpiri ceremony and Christian experience underscore the importance of relational generosity to the embodiment of unity in diversity.

Author Biographies

  • Samuel Curkpatrick, The University of Melbourne

    Dr Samuel Curkpatrick is a Research Associate of the Indigenous Knowledge Institute at The University of Melbourne. He specialises in Australian Indigenous music and philosophical issues of language, epistemology and religion. Sam has collaborated on music performance and teaching with Yolŋu and Warlpiri ceremonial leaders, exploring creativity and understanding across diverse knowledge traditions. He completed doctoral studies in ethnomusicology at the National Centre for Indigenous Studies, the Australian National University, and postdoctoral research in theology and philosophy at the University of Divinity. 

  • Hery Susanto, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jemaat Kristus

    Dr Hery Susanto is Lecturer in Hebrew Scripture, Director of Mission and Principal of the Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jemaat Kristus Indonesia (Churches of Christ Theological College Indonesia) in Salatiga, Central Java. Hery has overseen theological and ministry formation within Gereja Jemaat Kristus Indonesia (Churches of Christ in Indonesia) and engaged with students and communities from Aceh to Papua. Hery is a regular guest in Australian Churches of Christ ministry forums and teaching, especially through the former Stirling Theological College, University of Divinity. 

  • Wanta Jampijinpa Pawu, The University of Melbourne

    Prof. Wanta Jampijinpa Pawu is a Warlpiri elder and Professorial Fellow at the Indigenous Knowledge Institute, University of Melbourne. He has led and collaborated on several research projects funded by the Australian Research Council, which give focus to Warlpiri song, epistemology, education, the repatriation of archival records and youth engagement. He has provided policy advice on Indigenous law, education and youth matters to multiple government and industry bodies, including the Australian Government’s Indigenous Voice National Co-design Group, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, and the Northern Territory Department of Education.


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How to Cite

Curkpatrick, . S. ., Susanto, . H. ., & Pawu, W. J. . (2024). Symbolic Cohesion and Interpretive Freedom: Embodying Unity in Diversity through Warlpiri ngurra-kurlu and Indonesian Pancasila. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 37(2), 243–266.