The Affirmation of Charismatic Authority

The Case of the True Buddha School


  • J. Gordon Melton Institute for the Study of American Religion



Buddhism, True Buddha School,


The True Buddha School (TBS) is one of a set of new expressions of Buddhism that have arisen in Taiwan in the decades since World War II. It is a version of Esoteric Buddhism, following a path much closer to Tibetan Buddhism, rather than either the Ch'an or Pure Land Buddhisms that have dominated Chinese Buddhist groups for the past few centuries. It is headed by Lu Sheng-yen (b.1945) who began his religious career as an independent Daoist spiritual counsellor in Taichung, the large city in the centre of this island nation. In this paper I will introduce the True Buddha School and discuss this movement in relation to theories of charismatic leadership.

Author Biography

  • J. Gordon Melton, Institute for the Study of American Religion
    Originally from Birmingham, the Reverend Dr Melton graduated from Birmingham Southern College in 1964 with a B.A. degree then completed theological studies at Garrett Theological Seminary (M.Div) in 1968. Ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church in the same year he has since served several pastorships J. Gordon Melton received his Ph.D. in the History and Literature of Religions in 1975 at Northwestern University after having surveyed over 800 religious groups functioning in the United States at that time. He has authored over 25 books including Encyclopedia of American Religions, Biographical Dictionary of American Cult and Sect Leaders, Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, and the New Age Almanac. He is presently the director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion. As his wikipedia entry notes (, Dr Melton’s encyclopaedic knowledge also encompasses a strong enthusiasm for vampire studies. Dr Melton has recently become fascinated with the religious life of Taiwan and has completed extensive research on the True Buddha School for a forthcoming book planned with Constance A. Jones. Dr Melton hopes to visit Australia in early 2008.


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How to Cite

Melton, J. G. (2008). The Affirmation of Charismatic Authority: The Case of the True Buddha School. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 20(3), 286-302.