Who goes to World Youth Day? Some Data on Young Adult Australian Pilgrims


  • Richard Rymarz St Joseph's College, University of Alberta Edmonton




World Youth Day, youths, Christianity


A key feature of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II was the staging of World Youth Days (WYD), a practice that has continued under his successor Benedict XVI. Beginning in 1985 these events, held internationally every two to three years, are amongst the largest international gatherings of young people. In 2000, for example, the WYD held in Rome attracted over three million pilgrims. WYD has become a significant social phenomenon, especially in an era where there is a sustained and widespread disaffiliation of young adults from mainstream Churches. Participants at WYD are mainly Catholics although the invitation to take part is extended to all. There has been little empirical work, however, on who attends WYD and their motivations for attending. This paper will report on research conducted on some Australian pilgrims who attended the 2005 WYD in Cologne. This research will use both quantitative and qualitative techniques to try and build up a profile of WYD pilgrims.

Author Biography

  • Richard Rymarz, St Joseph's College, University of Alberta Edmonton
    Richard Rymarz is Peter and Doris Kule Chair in Catholic Religious Education, St Josephs College, University of Alberta and visiting research professor attached to the Quality of Life and Social Justice Flagship at Australian Catholic University. His general area of interest is in how groups pass on religious beliefs, practices and values. He has published widely in a variety of areas including the role of Catholic schools in countries like Australia and Canada, the implications of the demise of socialization models of induction for religious groups and the new evangelization of John Paul II.


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How to Cite

Rymarz, R. (2009). Who goes to World Youth Day? Some Data on Young Adult Australian Pilgrims. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 21(2), 127-144. https://doi.org/10.1558/arsr.v21i2.127