Secreting Religion

Perinatal Dynamics, Ego Death and ‘Reproductive Consciousness’ in Childbirth


  • Gregg Lahood Independent Scholar



holotropic, childbirth-pain, ego-death, birth-trauma, transpersonal-psychology, women’s religion


I present narratives from nine women describing the special events of consciousness they experienced during childbirth. These narratives are discussed in terms of transpersonal psychology. Most of the women interviewed spoke of a meaningful encounter with death and this will be explored as the primary catalyst for such events. I will also outline how these events seem to suggest a unique category of transpersonal consciousness particular to birth-giving women for which the term ‘reproductive consciousnesses’ will be tentatively designated.

Author Biography

  • Gregg Lahood, Independent Scholar
    Gregg Lahood Phd


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How to Cite

Lahood, G. (2009). Secreting Religion: Perinatal Dynamics, Ego Death and ‘Reproductive Consciousness’ in Childbirth. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 22(2), 161-189.