Religion, Migration and Social Change

Christian–Muslim Differentials


  • Yaghoob Foroutan The Australian National University



Immigrants, Lebanese, Muslims


This paper examines the status of Christian and Muslim Lebanese women in Australia in terms of their participation in employment. The paper also highlights employment differentials between Lebanese women and non-Lebanese women, both overseas-born and Australian-born, in this multi-ethnic and multicultural context. Prior studies document settlement difficulties and indicate that Lebanese migrants in Australia, particularly women and Muslims, have comparatively lower economic and socio-demographic circumstances. This study uses relatively recent nationally representative data and focuses on employment status, which is considered to be a key indicator of migrant success and integration in the host country. Accordingly, the multivariate outcomes of this paper shed further light on the situation and settlement of Lebanese migrant women in Australia.

Author Biography

  • Yaghoob Foroutan, The Australian National University
    Demography & Sociology Program, Research School of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Foroutan, Y. (2010). Religion, Migration and Social Change: Christian–Muslim Differentials. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 22(3), 295-321.