‘Objectionable Ornaments and Decorations’

Ritual and Riot at St George-in-the-East, London, 1859–1860


  • David Kent University of New England




Church, Religius Ritual


In the third quarter of the nineteenth century the High and Low Church wings of the Church of England were bitterly divided over the use of religious ritual. A legacy of the Oxford Movement and the Gothic Revival, Anglican ritualism in practice was most obviously manifested in liturgical forms, eucharistic vestments, church furniture, religious decoration, church design and the use of sacred space. For nearly 18 months services at St George-in-the-East were disrupted by the Vestry-led, popular protest against the ritualistic practices of the Rector and his High Church curates. This article outlines the practices and behaviour which were considered offensive, explores the links with anti-Catholic sentiment and shows how the protesters carried on their campaign of disturbance inside the church so effectively that they eventually secured the resignation of the Rector, the removal of all the ‘objectionable ornaments and decorations’ and an end to Anglo-Catholic ritualism in the parish church.

Author Biography

  • David Kent, University of New England
    School of Humanities


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How to Cite

Kent, D. (2010). ‘Objectionable Ornaments and Decorations’: Ritual and Riot at St George-in-the-East, London, 1859–1860. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 23(1), 46-63. https://doi.org/10.1558/arsr.v23i1.46