Representations of Jesus in Australian Poetry in the 1950s


  • Paul Watt The University of Adelaide



poetry, Jesus, religion, publishing


Studies of Australian poetry in the 1950s are preoccupied with the form, function and style of the genre. Poetry was regarded as high art cultivated by learned men and women, and published by international publishers such as Oxford University Press. Religious poetry is occasionally represented in these anthologies, but poems of or about Jesus are noticeable by their absence. By contrast, poems about Jesus can be found in newspapers and in self-published or boutique anthologies of religious verse. These personal expressions of faith, outside the sphere of high art, often show both European and Australian imaginings of Jesus. A study of religious verse of the period outside of the canonical literature illustrates the variety of the genre in the 1950s and the significance it held for Australian Christians.

Author Biography

  • Paul Watt, The University of Adelaide

    Paul Watt is Professor of Musicology at the Australian Guild of Music and Adjunct Professor of Musicology in the Elder Conservatorium of Music, University of Adelaide. His research interests include musical, intellectual, literary and religious history, biography, and street music. He is the author/editor of seven books including the widely acclaimed Ernest Newman: A Critical Biography (2017). Watt’s recent work on religion has been published in the Yale Journal of Music & Religion (2019) and The Cambridge History of Atheism (2021).


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Brissenden, Robert Francis 1962 The Poetry of Judith Wright. In Australian Literary Criticism, edited by Grahame Johnston, 88–100. Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Reproduced from Meanjin 12 (1953): 255–67.

Byrnes, Robert S. 1954 Endeavour and Other Poems. The Queensland Authors and Artists Association/Fellowship of Australian Writers section, Brisbane.

Clark, Robert, Geoffrey Dutton, Max Harris and Ian Mudie (comps) 1958 Verse in Australia, 1958. Australian Letters, Adelaide.

Freeman, J. 1950a Conquered by Love. In J. Freeman, A Message in Short Poems. Austral Printing and Publishing Company, Melbourne, np.

Freeman, J. 1950b Christ is the Light. In J. Freeman, A Message in Short Poems. Austral Printing and Publishing Company, Melbourne, np.

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Mackenzie, Kenneth (comp.) 1951/1952 Australian Poetry, 1951–1952. Angus & Robertson, Sydney and London.

Murdoch, Walter (comp.) 1918 The Oxford Book of Australasian Verse. Humphrey Milford/Oxford University Press, London.

A Book of Australian and New Zealand Verse. 4th edn. Reprinted 1955, ed. Walter Murdoch and Alan Mulgan.

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Murray, Sue 1991 Bibliography of Australian Poetry 1935–1955. Thorpe, Port Melbourne.

Oakley, Eva 1951a In the Light. Austral Printing and Publishing Company, Melbourne.

Oakley, Eva 1951b The Light of Life. In Eva Oakley, In the Light. Austral Printing and Publishing Company, Melbourne.

Oakley, Eva 1951c Thanksgiving. In Eva Oakley, In the Light. Austral Printing and Publishing Company, Melbourne.

Smith, E. Nea 1949 The Heavenly Ambassador. St. Vincent’s Boys’ Home, Westmead.

Webby, Elizabeth 1982 Early Australian Poetry: An Annotated Bibliography of Original Poems Published in Australian Newspapers, Magazines and Almanacks before 1850. Hale & Iremonger, Sydney.

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How to Cite

Watt, P. (2022). Representations of Jesus in Australian Poetry in the 1950s. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 35(1), 24–38.