Religiosity and Entrepreneurship in Post-Soviet Russia


  • Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García Universidad Panamericana



religiosity, religious participation, Orthodox Christianity, Islam, entrepreneurship, panel data, Russia


This article empirically studies the associations between religion (Orthodox Christianity, Islam, and non-religion), religiosity (to be a believer or not, and to what extent), religious participation (attending divine services, meetings or other religious events) and the probabilities of being an entrepreneur in post-Soviet Russia. Using logistic regressions and data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, the findings suggest lower likelihoods of being an entrepreneur in the case of Orthodox Christians, religiosity shows mixed results, and religious participation presents positive links (increasing the probabilities of becoming an entrepreneur). Nevertheless, the negative association between Orthodoxy and entrepreneurship lacks statistical significance in several specifications. Indeed, only religious participation shows robust results, particularly for men. Note that religious participation is linked to social capital, namely, networking, facilitating resources for entrepreneurship. Therefore, in Russia, the religion-entrepreneurship nexus is associated with participation, and not precisely with religious affiliations or beliefs.

Author Biography

  • Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García, Universidad Panamericana

    Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García is a Full Professor of Economics at the Panamerican University, Guadalajara Campus, Mexico. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (Conacyt-Mexico), currently level II (SNI-II). He worked as a Short-Term Consultant of the World Bank and as Research Professor at the HSE University, Moscow.


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How to Cite

Tovar-García, E. D. (2022). Religiosity and Entrepreneurship in Post-Soviet Russia. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 35(3), 271–297.