Multiple Identities

A Study of Students in an Australian Coptic School


  • Shenouda Soliman Mansour Macquarie University, New South Wales Ecumenical Council
  • Robyn Moloney Macquarie University



Identity, culture, language, Coptic


This article reports findings from a study of students' identity in a Coptic school in Australia. A mixed methodology approach of quantitative and qualitative data was used to examine students' beliefs and attitudes. The study shows that students have diverse multiple identity structures that include complex national, ethnic and religious identities. The study illustrates how children from ethnic communities in diaspora adopt and embrace multiple values. The study highlights the importance of supporting and maintaining many aspects of heritage as part of an evolving student identity that negotiates multiple roles and memberships in society.

Author Biographies

  • Shenouda Soliman Mansour, Macquarie University, New South Wales Ecumenical Council
    Fr Shenouda Mansour was an educator at a Coptic School for a number of years looking after the religious and pastoral care of students at the school. Currently, Fr Shenouda Mansour is the General Secretary of the NSW Ecumenical Council working to foster relationship between churches and other living faiths in Australia. Received his Phd from Macquarie University
  • Robyn Moloney, Macquarie University

    Dr Robyn Moloney is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University. Her teaching and research interests have included intercultural education, multilingual identity, and development through language and culture.


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How to Cite

Mansour, S. S., & Moloney, R. (2020). Multiple Identities: A Study of Students in an Australian Coptic School. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 33(1), 49–65.