A Sociologist among the Spirits


  • Andrew Singleton




Sociology of religion, mixed-methods research, youth religion, Spiritualism


This article is an academic autobiography of Andrew Singleton, an Australiansociologist of religion whose work focuses on applied, mixed-methodsstudies of youth religion, religious belief and new religious movements.It starts with a sociology of religion class, describes graduate researchthat utilised qualitative methods, and post-doctoral work in quantitativemethods, and then concludes by discussing recent mixed-methodsprojects. The career arc of an academic is shaped by the legacy of earlierscholars in the field, key mentors, opportunities for research support andcollaborators. The article emphasises the role and importance of these factorsin forming an individual's professional profile and the kind of scholarshipthey produce.

Author Biography

  • Andrew Singleton

    Andrew Singleton, PhD, is a sociologist in the School of Social Sciences andHumanities at Deakin University, Australia. His research interests include religiouschange, secularization, youth religion, personal belief and alternative religions. Singletonhas published extensively in these areas both nationally and internationally.He is author of Religion, Culture and Society: A Global Approach, and co-author (withMichael Mason and Ruth Webber) of The Spirit of Generation Y: Young People's Spiritualityin a Changing Australia.


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How to Cite

Singleton, A. (2020). A Sociologist among the Spirits. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 32(2-3), 196-206. https://doi.org/10.1558/jasr.39756