Religion and Politics over a Career


  • Marion Maddox Macquarie University



Religion and politics, religion and education, work-family balance, religion and public life


A career-long focus on the intersections between religion and politicsgrew out of family, personal and academic interests. These influencesand academic explorations led to questioning the common assumptionthat religion and politics should-or even can-be 'kept separate'. On theother hand, the ways in which religion and politics intersect and interact,and their various configurations, provide fertile ground for analysis,and have important consequences for our national life. These intersectionsand interactions take distinctive forms in Australia, meaning thatwe need local research that, while informed by international models, isfirmly grounded in our own situation.

Author Biography

  • Marion Maddox, Macquarie University

    Marion Maddox is Professor of Politics at Macquarie University, Sydney. Sheholds PhDs in Theology (Flinders, 1992) and Political Philosophy (UNSW, 2000).Her books include For God and Country: Religious Dynamics in Australian FederalPolitics (2001), God under Howard: The Rise of the Religious Right in Australian Politics(2005) and Taking God to School: The End of Australia's Egalitarian Education?(2014). She has held distinguished visiting fellowships in Australia, France and Germany,and was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities in2017.


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How to Cite

Maddox, M. (2020). Religion and Politics over a Career. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 32(2-3), 131-144.