Faith and Politics

The Rhetoric of Church–State Separation


  • Darryn M. Jensen The University of Queensland



church and state, politics and religion, secularization


Criticism of religiously motivated contributions to public policy debate is largely misconceived. It assumes that the mischief which constitutional separation of church and state is supposed to cure is a domination of the state by the church. This presents only one side of the story. Subservience by the church to the state should also be avoided. The law of a liberal state is legitimate to the extent that it does not conflict with the basic moral values of its citizens. Therefore, an ongoing conversation about basic values is necessary. Allowing churches and individual believers the freedom to make distinctive ‘religious’ contributions to this conversation is consistent with the separation of church and state. It is an aspect of the liberal democratic state’s obligation to listen to all perspectives on difficult moral issues. A close relationship between church and state, on the other hand, has the capacity to impede the conversation.


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How to Cite

Jensen, D. M. (2005). Faith and Politics: The Rhetoric of Church–State Separation. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 18(1), 25-47.