Contemporary African Historiographies

Roots, Conflicts, and Trajectories


  • Reginald D. Cruz Tangaza University College



African ecclesiology, African history, colonialism, négritude, late modernity, linguistic turn, historiography, postcolonialism


This paper considers historiographical trends in contemporary African ecclesiastical and civil circles. Given the relative brevity of this essay, it does not pretend to give an exhaustive exposition of the theological trends in this rather vast and multicultural continent. Nonetheless, I hope to paint a satisfactory picture of this landscape, despite the limitations, so that readers could understand the methodological problems, epistemological controversies, and cultural complexities they would encounter through African history.

Author Biography

  • Reginald D. Cruz, Tangaza University College

    Reginald D. Cruz, CFX, PhD, is a member of the Xaverian Brothers.  He holds a Masters degree in Religious Studies from Maryhill School of Theology and a doctorate in History from the University of the Philippines.  He is general coordinator of the Hagiography Circle, an online research center on Contemporary Hagiography.


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African Theologies: Methodological Considerations for a Growing Field

How to Cite

Cruz, R. D. . (2021). Contemporary African Historiographies: Roots, Conflicts, and Trajectories. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 5(1-2), 3–13.