From Opponent to Advocate

Three Decades (1958–1980) of Alfred Vanneste’s Ideas on African Inculturated Theology


  • Dries Vanysacker KU Leuven



African Theology, inculturation, universal theology, Vatican II, postcolonialism


In the debates starting in 1958 in Kinshasa, around a possible (or impossible) African theology, the Belgian theologian Alfred Vanneste played a central role. Based on an analysis of Vanneste’s own articles and papers in relation to contemporary African and European theologians, I argue that Vanneste’s opinion changed over time. Originally an opponent of an authentic African theology, he developed into an ardent advocate. In order to explore the different stages that led Alfred Vanneste to change his ideas on the subject, I will first describe the debates and ideas about developing an authentic “African theology” that took place between 1958 and 1968. After that, I analyze developments within theological discourses (1974–1980) that led Alfred Vanneste to change his opinion. I conclude by summarizing his theological turn from opposing to advocating an indigenous African form of theology, and by contextualizing this shift as a transition from colonial, pre-Vatican II thinking about indigenous theologies to the current day developments within intercultural theology.


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African Theologies: Methodological Considerations for a Growing Field

How to Cite

Vanysacker, D. . (2021). From Opponent to Advocate: Three Decades (1958–1980) of Alfred Vanneste’s Ideas on African Inculturated Theology. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 5(1-2), 14–32.