An Invitation to Interfaith Engagement

A Mormon Perspective


  • Jessica Spence Moss Claremont Graduate University



Interfaith, Mormon, Doctrine, ethic, LDS, ignorance, complacency, exclusivity, relationship


In 2001, “Mormons” (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) were admonished to be friendly, helpful, protective, and supportive of members of other faiths, specifically Muslims. This article considers the ways in which this counsel has been heeded as well as the reasons why some may be struggling with them. The core contention of this article is that the ignorance of religious others, the complacency one has with their own beliefs, and the value of exclusivity hinder members of the Church in fulfilling the call to be friendly, helpful, protective, and supportive. Therefore, the author invites members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as others who are struggling with ignorance, complacency, and exclusivity in their traditions, to cultivate an interfaith ethic that will encourage the building of relationships with religious others. An interfaith ethic, the author proposes, is supported by Church doctrine and by the example of previous prophets, including Joseph Smith. By cultivating an interfaith ethic, members of The Church will build authentic friendships and increase their capacity for compassion in all relationships—in and out of The Church.


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How to Cite

Moss, J. S. (2023). An Invitation to Interfaith Engagement: A Mormon Perspective. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 6(2), 172–188.