On Whether Christians Should Participate in Buddhist Practice

A Critical Autobiographical Reflection


  • James Farwell Virginia Theological Seminary




Christian, Buddhist, Zen, Madhuyamaka, interreligious, ritual


Can Christians participate in Buddhist practice? The author, a Christian in an incarnationalist-sacramental tradition who practices in the Soto Zen lineage, answers the question in the affirmative, suggesting that one must risk the experience of practice to judge the legitimacy of practice; but also suggests that this will not be the only Christian answer to the question. The answer depends in part on one’s view of ritual as a way of knowing; on one’s understanding of the nature and complexity of religions; and on one’s account of religious plurality. The author concludes that a judgment about interreligious practice will depend on these and other factors, as well as on the experience and the particulars of the life story and location within a religious tradition of the person asking the question.

Author Biography

  • James Farwell, Virginia Theological Seminary

    Professor of Theology and Liturgy


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How to Cite

Farwell, J. (2017). On Whether Christians Should Participate in Buddhist Practice: A Critical Autobiographical Reflection. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 1(2), 242-256. https://doi.org/10.1558/isit.33615