Trajectories in Intercultural Theology


  • Robert J. Schreiter Catholic Theological Union



intercultural theology


The article looks at the development of Intercultural Theology over the past 40 years.I nterest in intercultural theologies has been evident since the mid-1970s. Called by various names throughout this more than forty-year history— contextual theologies, local theologies, theologies of inculturation—the initial focus in these theological approaches was to provide a more appropriate vehicle for Christian faith that was attuned to cultural circumstances outside Europe and North America by attending more to the cultural context in which theological thinking was to be articulated.

Author Biography

  • Robert J. Schreiter, Catholic Theological Union

    Vatican Council II Professor of Theology


Bevans, Stephen B. 2001. Models of Contextual Theology. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis.

Bhabha, Homi, 1994. The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge.

Luhmann, Niklas. 1987. Soziale Systeme. Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Moyaert, Marianne and Joris Geldhof, editors. 2015 Ritual Participation and In¬terreligious Dialogue: Boundaries, Transgressions, Innovations. London: Bloomsbury.

Schreiter, Robert. 2010. “Verbreitung der Wahrheit oder Interkulturelle Theolo¬gie? Was meinen wir, wenn wir heute von Mission sprechen?“ Interkultu¬relle Theologie 36: 13–31.

Schreiter, Robert. 2012.“Missiology’s Future at the Intersection of the Intercul¬tural and the Interreligious.” 275-290. In Mission and Culture: The Louis J. Luzbetak Lectures, edited by Stephen Bevans. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis.

———. 2016. “Globalität als theologischer Begriff.” In Globalität und Katholi¬zität. Weltkirchlichkeit unter den Bedingungen des 21. Jahrunderts., edited by Christof B Böttigheimer, 17–30. Freiburg: Herder.






Round Table

How to Cite

Schreiter, R. J. (2017). Trajectories in Intercultural Theology. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 1(1), 93-97.