A New Reformed Catholicity

Catholicity and Confessing in Reformed Ecclesiology


  • Henry S. Kuo Graduate Theological Union




Reformed ecclesiology, confessions, catholicity, dangerous memory, globalization


Reformed ecclesiology suffers from a lack of a concrete sense of catholicity, a lack that easily shatters unity in the church. This article broadly sketches a way in which Reformed confessions and the practice of confessing can help fill that lack, drawing from Robert Schreiter's The New Catholicity. By understanding confessing in terms of re-membering dangerous memories, Reformed catholicity has the potential for enabling the church to be a unifying witness in an age where globalizing forces have fragmented societies and inflamed troubling sentiments.   

Author Biography

  • Henry S. Kuo, Graduate Theological Union

    Henry S. Kuo received his doctorate in systematic and philosophical theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, focusing his research on Reformed ecclesiology.  He is also the founder and managing editor of the Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, and is involved with parish ministry, preaching regularly at the First Chinese Presbyterian Church in New York City.


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How to Cite

Kuo, H. S. (2019). A New Reformed Catholicity: Catholicity and Confessing in Reformed Ecclesiology. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 3(1-2), 164-182. https://doi.org/10.1558/isit.38318