Identity of Catholic Schools in Multi-religious Contexts


  • Edmund Kee-Fook Chia Australian Catholic University



Catholic school/university, multi-religious, multi-cultural, identity, inter-religious dialogue


The phenomenon of religious pluralism is a fact that needs no further discussion. How society and institutions are negotiating its impact, however, certainly needs further scrutiny. Schreiter's call for the construction of local theologies invites us to explore how the preaching of the Gospel has to adapt to the realities of new situations. The present article focuses on Catholic educational institutions and how they are dealing with the multi-cultural and multi-religious communities that are now found not only outside of the schools and universities but also within them as well. Its concern is with how the identity and mission of these Catholic institutions are expressed and measured in the new contexts, taking seriously the teachings of the Church on the role they play in its evangelizing mission.


Convey, John J. 2012. “Perceptions of Catholic Identity: Views of Catholic School Administrators and Teach,” Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 16(1): 187–214.

Corkery, Vincent. 1997. “The Christian Lasallian School and Other Religions in Malaysia.” In The Lasallian Christian School and its Presence among other Religions, edited by Jose Maria Valladolid, 11–14. Rome: Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Langan, John. 2000. “Reforging Catholic Identity,” Commonweal. April 21.

Miller, Archbishop Michael. 2006. “The Current Situation of America’s Catholic Schools,” Catholic Education Resource Center.

Schreiter, Robert. Constructing Local Theologies ((Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2015).

———. 1997. The New Catholicity: Theology between the Global and the Local. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis.

The Lasallian Mission of Human and Christian Education: A Shared Mission. 1997. Document of the General Council of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Kensington, Australia: De La Salle Brothers.






How to Cite

Chia, E. K.-F. (2019). Identity of Catholic Schools in Multi-religious Contexts. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 3(1-2), 183-194.