Technologies of the Self in Contemporary South American Shamanisms

The cases of the Qom/Toba (Argentina) and Santo Daime (Brazil)


  • Pablo Wright CONICET-University of Buenos Aires



Shamanisms, South America, Technologies of the Self, Ontology, Cosmology, Argentine Qom/Toba, Santo Daime


I adapt Michel Foucault’s notion of technologies of the self to carry out a comparative analysis of two ethnographic cases of contemporary South American shamanisms. In these cases, their cosmological and ritual frameworks display ontological thresholds acceded through specific technologies of the self that contest current assumptions about both the Christian and the scientific hegemonic worldviews. In the first case, I review an indigenous ethnic shamanism rooted in Qom/Toba tradition in Argentina’s Chaco region. In the second one, I analyze Santo Daime, a Brazilian ayahuasca religion that displays shamanic traits. To contextualize these cases, I introduce historical data of the constitution of Argentine and Brazilian socio-religious fields, within which these forms of shamanism would emerge. I provide ethnographic data about the history and main religious features of these shamanisms and my analysis stresses the technologies of the self unfolded to achieve a direct connection with the numinous.


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How to Cite

Wright, P. (2023). Technologies of the Self in Contemporary South American Shamanisms: The cases of the Qom/Toba (Argentina) and Santo Daime (Brazil). Indigenous Religious Traditions, 1(1), 25-50.