Ukrainian Military Chaplaincy in War

An Introduction


  • Jan Grimell Umeå University



Military chaplaincy, Military Chaplains, Ukraine, War, Pastoral care, combat, spiritual, religion, chaplain, spiritual care


This article is the first of two (Part 1 and Part 2) that shed light on military chaplaincy in war-torn Ukraine. The first article introduces military chaplaincy in Ukraine and sets the stage for Part 2, which focuses on the lessons learned by Ukrainian military chaplains (MCs). The articles are based on interviews exploring the roles, practices and insights of Ukrainian MCs during wartime, addressing a significant gap in the existing research. Twelve male MCs participated in the study. Most of the participants had served on the frontlines since the onset of the war in 2014, while a few joined more recently, bringing a range of experiences, religious affiliations and branches of service (Army, Navy and Air Force). The interview data were analysed using thematic analysis with an inductive approach. This first article presents the development, roles and tasks of military chaplaincy, covering the volunteer phase that began in 2014 and the professionalization of military chaplaincy starting in 2022 and beyond. It also illustrates how MCs operated in both non-combat and combat situations with their units. This research offers unique insights into the chaplaincy work of some of the most experienced wartime MCs.

Author Biography

  • Jan Grimell, Umeå University

    Dr. Jan Grimell, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer at Umeå University and Docent in Sociology, and Research Fellow at Linnaeus University, Sweden.


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How to Cite

Grimell, J. (2025). Ukrainian Military Chaplaincy in War: An Introduction. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 12(2), 106-132.