A Healthcare Chaplain’s Guide to Mental Health Chaplaincy for Geriatric Patients in the United States


  • Margaret T Gopaul Yale University
  • Deena A Martinelli Manchester Memorial Hospital




Chaplains, Healthcare, Mental Health Chaplains, Geriatric, Self-Care


The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the US Department of Defense (DoD) evaluated the expanding roles of chaplains in mental health and identified a prevalent need for additional training among healthcare chaplains. The literature revealed that chaplains were lacking the skillsets needed to effectively care for patients with mental health disorders. A gap remains in the literature regarding the reported level of mental health training and preparedness of chaplains who minister to geriatric patients with mental health disorders. This quantitative study used a questionnaire instrument to survey 26 chaplains in the United States. The participants were experienced healthcare chaplains working in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The findings confirmed the need for additional training and preparedness among chaplains who minister to geriatric patients with mental health disorders. The results and empirical literature informed the development of a practical guide that includes ways to meet these challenges and assist chaplains in providing comprehensive delivery of competent care to patients.

Author Biographies

  • Margaret T Gopaul, Yale University

    Margaret Gopaul, PhD, MSCP, is a Clinical Psychologist and Research Scientist who specializes in neurodevelopment and neurocognitive disorders. She holds a Postdoctorate in Clinical Psychopharmacology from Alliant University with training from Yale University (USA). She received training as a researcher at the Yale Neuroscience Lab while processing and analysing data from an NIMH-funded study utilizing neuroimaging to assess associative memory deficits in patients with schizophrenia and other clinical trials in neurology. She has published book chapters on clinical applications for “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” in Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings (Springer, 2018) and “Social Skills” in the Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities (Springer, 2019). She serves as an Institute Review Board (IRB) member, as well as a reviewer for several journals. 

  • Deena A Martinelli, Manchester Memorial Hospital

    Rev. Dr. Deena A. Martinelli, DMin, MA, is a board-certified Senior Hospital Chaplain at ECHN, Manchester, Connecticut (Yale New Haven Hospital Affiliate). She received her Doctor of Ministry (DMin), Master of Divinity in Professional Chaplaincy and Master’s in Human Services Counseling from Liberty University, Virginia (USA). She also holds a Master’s in Liberal Studies from the University of Michigan. She serves on the ECHN Ethics, Schwartz Rounds and Institute Review Committees. Her research interests include integrative chaplaincy and mental health, medical/bioethics and the efficacy of prayer. 


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How to Cite

Gopaul, M. T., & Martinelli, D. A. (2023). A Healthcare Chaplain’s Guide to Mental Health Chaplaincy for Geriatric Patients in the United States. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 11(2), 182–204. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.23332