Spiritual Care Services Nurture Wellbeing in a Clinical Setting During COVID- 19

Aotearoa New Zealand


  • Amy K.B. Finiki Porirua Hospital
  • Kath Maclean Porirua Hospital




COVID-19, spiritual care, Spiritual Pastoral Therapists, chaplaincy, mental health care, New Zealand


This paper presents the responses of two “Spiritual Pastoral Therapists” (SPTs) at Porirua Hospital in Aotearoa New Zealand during COVID-19. The responses included the creation of local safe “bubbles,” increased communication, maintaining chapel access, producing daily meditations for the employee newsletter, utilizing social media, writing letters, and using the labyrinth meditation walk. The authors record a variety of qualitative feedback from hospital staff affirming the contribution of SPT ministry in providing spiritual care services to nurture well-being among patients and hospital staff during the struggles caused by COVID-19.

Author Biographies

  • Amy K.B. Finiki, Porirua Hospital

    Rev. Amy K.B. Finiki, MDiv., is a Spiritual Pastoral Therapist and CPE Supervisor at Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disabilities Services (MHAIDS), Porirua Hospital in Porirua, New Zealand and a member of NZHCA and ANZACPE.

  • Kath Maclean, Porirua Hospital

    Rev. Canon Kath Maclean, MHSc., is a Spiritual Pastoral Therapist and CPE Supervisor at Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disabilities Services (MHAIDS), Porirua Hospital in Porirua, New Zealand and a member of NZHCA and ANZACPE.


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Professional Reflection

How to Cite

Finiki, A. K., & Maclean, K. (2020). Spiritual Care Services Nurture Wellbeing in a Clinical Setting During COVID- 19: Aotearoa New Zealand. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 8(2), 231-239. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.42129