Palliative Care
A Theological Foundation, Sacrament of Anointing & Pastoral Care of the Sick
sacrament, Roman Catholic, anointing, pastoral care, hospice, palliative careAbstract
In the second of his articles, the author focuses on pastoral practice within the Roman Catholic community. Such practice involves a right use of the sacrament of anointing, as part of whole person care; a holistic response to a situation of total pain in a palliative setting. Carers need the personal and theological maturity to respond to the untidiness of life and the complexities of offering care without a subtle exercise of power. The aim is to offer love without preconditions, thus making Christ present to the sufferer. Such care is a calling for both clergy and laity, and must be theologically based in an understanding of the Church as the sacrament of Christ.
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