
  • Dorothy Grosvenor Napier University Edinburgh




nursing, spiritual, body, gender, poverty, health, Why spiritual care in nursing?


This paper explores the reason why spiritual care is recommended for nurses by discussing two main pieces of nursing research on spiritual care. This is related to Judaeo- Christian teaching and related issues of gender and the body/mind/spirit split in western culture and the effect of this on bodily care in nursing. If there is a case for teaching spiritual care separate from bodily care the difficult questions are who should teach it and what should be taught which is separate from cultural care as already addressed.

Author Biography

  • Dorothy Grosvenor, Napier University Edinburgh

    Dorothy Grosvenor (Lovett). Full-time lecturer in health/nursing at Napier University Edinburgh


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How to Cite

Grosvenor, D. (2013). TEACHING SPIRITUAL CARE TO NURSES. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 3(2), 28-33. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.v3i2.28