Discourses and Narratives Surrounding Disabled People in Hospital


  • W. Graham Monteith Disability Scotland and Capability Scotland




Narrative Theology, disability, Language, Discourse, chaplaincy


Disabled people constitute a minority of patients in the normal hospital ward. They may belong to groups which often have their own ideologies or languages. Discourse is chosen here as a way of understanding the conflicts which may arise between disabled patients and the medical profession who emanate from two distinct `epistemic communities.' The unsettling discourse of disabled people in hospital may centre on current medical practices, the shortcomings of the DDA or confused diagnosis. The work of Hauerwas on narrative theology is recommended as tool for the chaplain endeavouring to understand the situation.

Author Biography

  • W. Graham Monteith, Disability Scotland and Capability Scotland

    W. Graham Montieth served 22 years in theparish ministry of the Church of Scotland before retiring on health grounds. He has cerebral palsy. After retiring he completed a PhD at New College. He isnow chair of Disability Scotland and a director of Capability Scotland, Handicab (Lothian) and Airlink (Lothian).


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How to Cite

Monteith, W. G. (2013). Discourses and Narratives Surrounding Disabled People in Hospital. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 2(1), 20-24. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.v2i1.20