Spiritual Care in NHS Scotland

A Non-Religious Perspective


  • Roderick McKenzie Osprey House




healthcare, religion, medicine


‘Spiritual Care in NHSScotland’ seeks to differentiate between religious and spiritual care. Yet the latter is not adequately addressed as a separate concept, and the definition which is given of it is unduly dependent upon established psychological theories. The author poses the question as to whether the education of staff in spiritual care, as opposed to religious care, ought necessarily to be the province of the chaplaincy at all.

Author Biography

  • Roderick McKenzie, Osprey House

    Roderick McKenzie is a Community Psychiatric Nurse at Osprey House, Inverness.


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How to Cite

McKenzie, R. (2013). Spiritual Care in NHS Scotland: A Non-Religious Perspective. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 6(1), 24-26. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.v6i1.24