
  • Jacki Thomas Paul Bevan Day Hospice, Ascot



day hospice, palliative care, fullness of life, isolation, depersonalisation, taboo


Stimulated by Downs(2003) article on Failure in Palliative Care the author reflects on the workings of a day hospice focusing on the difficult and challenging issues for patients and how the hospice setting can enable these issues to be raised and addressed. The issues are explored and illustrated using patient comments and experiences. Acknowledging a dearth of hospice day care research and literature the author seeks to motivate others and encourage a wider appreciation of day hospice and thereby influence future practice.

Author Biography

  • Jacki Thomas, Paul Bevan Day Hospice, Ascot

    Jacki Thomas is chaplain, Paul Bevan Day Hospice, Ascot.


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How to Cite

Thomas, J. (2013). DAY HOSPICE CARE: PERCEPTIONS AND TABOOS IN PALLIATIVE CARE. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 7(2), 34-38.