
21st Century Evangelists?


  • Dorothy Grosvenor Napier University



caring, feminist, gender, nurse, religious, spiritual, suffering


This article discusses the outcomes of a doctoral study into why nurses are asked to give spiritual care to patients. Tensions between bodily nursing care and spiritual care were explored in semi-structured interviews with eighteen experienced nurses. Interview materials were interpreted within feminist frameworks of caring and spiritualities as patriarchal constructions rooted in Christianities. Themes of nursing care described as spiritual demonstrated that body/spirit dualisms persisted despite secularisms. However, since spiritual care remained a confused and nebulous concept, how the addition of spiritual care by nurses will remedy the stresses and distressed described in the study is questioned.

Author Biography

  • Dorothy Grosvenor, Napier University

    Dorothy Grosvenor is lecturer in the School of Acute and Continuing Care Nursing, Napier University, Edinburgh.


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How to Cite

Grosvenor, D. (2013). Nurses: 21st Century Evangelists?. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 8(2), 3-8.