Healthcare Chaplaincy in Scotland and the UK

A look back to the future


  • David Mitchell Joint Editor



healthcare chaplaincy, chaplaincy education


As the Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy heads toward its 10 th anniversary year retiring joint editor David Mitchell reflects on the changes that have taken place in the arena of healthcare chaplaincy during that time. Looking at Scotland and the wider UK scene the author acknowledges the considerable developments, changes and frustrations that have impacted on chaplaincy and have guided its course to the present day. Acknowledging the fears of individual chaplains, faith communities and belief groups, the author outlines a positive vision for the future that could allay these real fears. A vision that sees the development of standards, competencies and professional registration as a clear strategic direction and one earthed in the professional chaplaincy organisations. The author concludes that the continuing development of healthcare chaplaincy in Scotland is a model that could have a positive and guiding influence on the development of chaplaincy throughout the UK.


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CSBS (2002) Clinical Standards Specialist Palliative Care Edinburgh: (Formerly the Clinical Standards Board for Scotland) NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (2004) The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) and the development review process. Department of Health, Leeds

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MCCC (2003) Spiritual and Religious Care Competencies for Specialist Palliative Care London: Marie Curie Cancer Care

NES (2006) Standards for NHSScotland Chaplaincy Services: Conference draft. NHS Education for Scotland, Glasgow

NHS HDL 76 (2002) Spiritual Care in NHS Scotland: Guidelines on Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the NHS in Scotland. Scottish Executive Health Department, Edinburgh

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How to Cite

Mitchell, D. (2013). Healthcare Chaplaincy in Scotland and the UK: A look back to the future. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 9(2), 36-39.