Standards for NHS Scotland Chaplaincy Services

Scoping, Standards and Consultation


  • Chris Levison NHS Education for Scotland
  • Katy Bullock NHS Quality Improvement Scotland.



Spiritual Care, chaplaincy, NHS Scotland, scoping study, national standards, service standards, competencies


A scoping group established by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland and the Healthcare Chaplaincy Training and Development Unit, (HCTDU, now part of NHS Education for Scotland (NES)) was asked to scope awareness and provision of Spiritual Care in NHS Scotland. The group produced a report covering a survey and literature research. Following a seminar May 2005 in which this report was discussed along with some current research, a further group began work on chaplaincy service standards. A consultation conference held on 27 th June 2006 brought much support and many comments on the standards document. Despite some hesitation in trying to measure things spiritual, these standards should be a useful audit tool and an aid for future work on competencies and help development towards national standards or good practice statements on spiritual and religious care in NHS Scotland.

Author Biographies

  • Chris Levison, NHS Education for Scotland

    Chris Levison is Healthcare Chaplaincy Training & Development Officer/Spiritual Care Adviser, NHS Education for Scotland

  • Katy Bullock, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland.

    Katy Bullock is Senior Project Officer, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland.


AHPCC (2006) Standards for Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplaincy 2nd edition, Help the Hospices, London: Association of Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplains

BROCOLLO, G. T. and VANDECREEK, L. (2004) How are health care chaplains helpful to bereaved family members? Telephone survey results. The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 58 1-2

CULLIFORD, L. (2002) Spiritual care and psychiatric treatment: and introduction. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 8 249-261

HUNT, J., COBB, M., KEELEY, V. L. and AHMEDZIA, S. H. (2003) The quality of spiritual care - developing a standard. 9 (5), Palliative Nursing

MUELLER, P. S., PLEVAK, D. J. and RUMMANS, T. A. (2001) Religious involvement, spirituality, and Medicine: Implications for clinical practice. Mayo Clinical Proceedings 76, 1225-1235

NES (2006) Standards for NHSScotland Chaplaincy Services: Conference draft. NHS Education for Scotland Healthcare Chaplaincy Training and Development Unit, Glasgow [available from:]

NHS HDL 76 (2002) Spiritual Care in NHS Scotland: Guidelines on Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the NHS in Scotland. NHS Health Department Letter, Scottish Executive Health Department, Edinburgh.

NHS QIS (2005) Report of the Scoping Study Group on the Provision of Spiritual Care in NHSScotland. NHS Quality Improvement Scotland, Edinburgh [Copies available from the Healthcare Chaplaincy Training and Development, NHS Education, 3rd Floor, 2 Central Quay, 89 Hydepark Street, Glasgow G3 8BW.]

SEHD (2004) Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment Toolkit. The Scottish Executive, Edinburgh

SEHD (2003) Partnership for Care: Scotland's Health white Paper. The Scottish Executive, Edinburgh

SEHD (2002) Fair for all: Improving the Health of Ethnic Minority Groups and the Wider Community in Scotland. The Scottish Executive, Edinburgh

WHO (1998) World Health Report. World Health Organisation, Geneva




How to Cite

Levison, C., & Bullock, K. (2013). Standards for NHS Scotland Chaplaincy Services: Scoping, Standards and Consultation. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 9(2), 31-35.