Chaplains working in a hospice palliative care team recount the spiritual challenges at the end-of-life
Chaplaincy, hospice, spiritual care, standards, support, team workingAbstract
As part of an on-going review of service provision for Hospice adult patients, six chaplains were interviewed to elicit their views and experiences of meeting spiritual needs within a multidisciplinary palliative care team. Interviews were taped: transcribed and common themes were identified. The chaplains highlighted many positive aspects of their work, recognising their role as one of service to the patients. They emphasised the importance of teamwork, both within the chaplaincy service and throughout the wider palliative care team. Negative aspects of working in palliative care were also identified, such as compassion fatigue. Chaplains need special coping skills and ongoing support in their work. They must recognise and obtain resources for patients from other world faith communities.
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