Orthodoxy or Heresy?

A new way of looking at spiritual care for people with delusional beliefs


  • Janet Foggie NHS Tayside




chaplaincy, delusions, mental health, spirituality


This essay uses this language of theological belief to examine the belief groups within the mental health system. Its purpose is to shed light from one world upon another, to investigate the relationship between chaplains, who think theologically, patients, and the professional members of the mental healthcare field.

Author Biography

  • Janet Foggie, NHS Tayside

    Janet Foggie is mental healthcare chaplain, NHS Tayside, Dundee.


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How to Cite

Foggie, J. (2013). Orthodoxy or Heresy? A new way of looking at spiritual care for people with delusional beliefs. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 10(1), 23-26. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.v10i1.23