
  • Beth Seymour Glasgow Caledonian University




nursing education, spiritual education, spiritual care


The assumption that nursing students have an understanding about the nature of spiritual care requires examination especially in an environment which expects nurses and other health care staff to provide spiritual care. Unfortunately there is little by way of spiritual education in nursing courses. This article describes a case study of nursing students’ understandings of spirituality and experiences of spiritual education. The focus is on a particular method of data collection from the larger study, the nominal group technique, and discussion surrounds its use, analysis and findings.

Author Biography

  • Beth Seymour, Glasgow Caledonian University

    Beth Seymour is a lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University specialising in spiritual and emotional health. She directs the Centre for Spiritual and Pas-toral Care Studies and runs modules in ethics, arts and humanities and spiritual care. -


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How to Cite

Seymour, B. (2013). WHAT DO NURSING STUDENTS UNDERSTAND BY SPIRITUALITY AND SPIRITUAL CARE?. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 12(2), 38-46. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.v12i2.38