
  • Ian Stirling Ayrshire Hospice



chaplaincy, phenomenology, reflexivity, research


The current healthcare climate expects chaplains not only to be able to evaluate and in-corporate research findings into practice, but also to contribute to audit and research. For many chaplains this is new territory and demands an investment of time and energy before they gain confidence in research methodology to allow them to contribute effectively to the research agenda. This article reflects the experiences of the author while pursuing a MSc at Glasgow University. This personal eye view, offers a few hints and tips to chaplains who wish to start out in research yet do not wish to suffer the potential pitfalls of the research process. There is also a summary of some of the benefits which have arisen for the author since completion of the dissertation.


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How to Cite

Stirling, I. (2013). THE INTEGRATION OF RESEARCH INTO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: A PERSONAL REFLECTION. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 13(1), 38-41.