
  • Harriet Mowat Mowat Research Co. Ltd.
  • Claire Wilson
  • Geoff Lachlan
  • William Gray
  • Alastair Gray
  • Ellen Faubert
  • Liz Adams
  • Stuart Coates
  • Suzanne Bunniss



healthcare chaplaincy, participatory research, gerontology, methods, case study


This article focuses on both methods and outcomes of a piece of participatory research. The intention was to combine an educational experience with the production of useful research. Here we see that a group approach to research might serve chaplaincy well. The combination of perspectives and skills is greater than the parts. This article shows that reflection and discussion can produce “new horizons”. We have used the gadamerian stages of the hermeneutic cycle as headings for the presentation of the data. We have also identified the findings before showing the workings. This deviates from the standard presentation of research but we think that it allows the research story and the workings to be exposed more helpfully. Our conclusions show that adapta-tion both internally and externally are required in old age and a major task for chaplaincy is to help in the adaptive process through focussing on the underlying meaning to a life’s experience.

Author Biography

  • Harriet Mowat, Mowat Research Co. Ltd.

    Harriet Mowat is Director of Mowat Research and Chair of the National Healthcare Chaplains Re-search Committee. 52 Richmondhill Place, Aber-deen AB15 5 EP


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How to Cite

Mowat, H., Wilson, C., Lachlan, G., Gray, W., Gray, A., Faubert, E., Adams, L., Coates, S., & Bunniss, S. (2013). THE SPIRITUAL CARE OF OLDER PEOPLE: THE REPORT OF A GROUP RE-SEARCH STUDY. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 13(1), 3-11.