Community Chaplaincy Listening

working with General Practitioners to support patient wellbeing


  • Harriet Mowat Researcher and Author
  • Suzanne Bunniss Fire.Cloud
  • Ewan Kelly NHS Education for Scotland



Community chaplaincy, listening, qualitative research, action research, general practice, patient focus


This article reports the first stage of a national programme instigated by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Training and Development Unit of NHS Education for Scotland and supported by the Scottish Government. In the first stage Chaplains were invited to join an action research project with the purpose of designing listening services in GP surgeries. Some of the chaplains were already offering listening services. Chaplains and researchers worked together to co – create and design a spiritual listening intervention based on prior experience and research evidence which was then introduced into four Health Boards in Scotland. Qualitative data about the intervention was then gathered by the researchers from chaplains, patients and referrers, usually GPs. This data shows that the intervention, in its first incarnation, was well received. The findings are reported and the next two phases outlined.

Author Biographies

  • Harriet Mowat, Researcher and Author

    Harriet Mowat is a renowned researcher in spiritual care, gerontology and a member of the SJHC editorial board.

  • Suzanne Bunniss, Fire.Cloud

    Suzanne Bunniss is a researcher and founder / director of Fire.Cloud, building vibrant communities through faith, arts and research

  • Ewan Kelly, NHS Education for Scotland

    Ewan Kelly is programme director of Healthcare Chaplaincy in Scotland and member of the SJHC editorial board


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How to Cite

Mowat, H., Bunniss, S., & Kelly, E. (2013). Community Chaplaincy Listening: working with General Practitioners to support patient wellbeing. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 15(1), 21-26.