Lessons for Chaplaincy from a Management Secondment


  • Iain Macritchie Mental Health, Learning Disability and Community Chaplain, Inverness




spiritual care, chaplaincy, rehabilitation, reablement, self-management, falls prevention, vocational rehabilitation, integrated care


Following a secondment in NHS management, the author reflects on the absence of spiritual care from many of the policies that shape the delivery of healthcare in NHS Scotland. He calls for a greater integration of existing spiritual care and chaplaincy policy with NHS Scotland’s policies. He looks at ways in which chaplaincy can contribute to the process of greater integration by becoming more involved in current changes in healthcare delivery. He applies some of the lessons learned in the management secondment to his current practice as a Mental Health and Learning Disability Chaplain.

Author Biography

  • Iain Macritchie, Mental Health, Learning Disability and Community Chaplain, Inverness

    Iain Macritchie is a former editor of the SJHC, and currently works in Inverness as a Mental Health and Learning Disability Chaplain.


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How to Cite

Macritchie, I. (2013). Lessons for Chaplaincy from a Management Secondment. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 15(1), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.v15i1.3