What Do Chaplains Do Now?
The Continuous Process of Adaptation
Chaplaincy, spiritual and religious care, NHS Scotland, role, identity, perceptions, relationshipAbstract
Changes in the nature and language of chaplaincy in Scotland in the last decade have inevitably brought with it many challenges as chaplains endeavour to come to terms with new ways of working, increased responsibility and accountability and weightier expectations laid upon them. This article reports the findings of a thematic research project with data drawn from structured interviews with fifteen practising healthcare chaplains working in a variety of settings across Scotland. The project, a sequel to an earlier research study by Harriet Mowat and John Swinton in 2006, was carried out by a group of practising chaplains as a means of developing research skills and to provide further exploration into the continually changing role of chaplaincy in Scotland. The key findings are presented according to the order of the six interview questions, with areas of further research work highlighted at the end.
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