The Exploratory Use of a “Ten Minute Reflective Practice” Protocol by Healthcare Chaplaincy Visitors


  • Howard Capelin Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield,



reflective practice, chaplaincy visitor, Chaplain, practice development, work satisfaction, work enjoyment


Part-time lay chaplaincy visitors have very little time for reflective practice, yet surely this is exactly the kind of work -- specialists working in demanding situations almost completely in isolation from colleagues -- for which reflective practice was intended. This exploratory study devised a ten minute protocol from scratch which was used by a small number of chaplaincy visitors. To the author's great surprise it appeared to capture the essence of reflective practice well and was enjoyed by chaplaincy visitors who wanted to continue using it. Readers are invited to use the protocol and broaden the evidence base.

Author Biography

  • Howard Capelin, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield,

    Howard Capelin is an honorary Buddhist Chaplain in the multi-faith team at the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He started as a healthcare chaplaincy visitor in 2007 and was part of the first cohort to graduate with an MA in Social and Healthcare Chaplaincy from Leeds Metropolitan University. His current research interest is in the patient’s experience of the process of diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Capelin, H. (2015). The Exploratory Use of a “Ten Minute Reflective Practice” Protocol by Healthcare Chaplaincy Visitors. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 3(1), 47-62.