The Ground of Our Being

Muslim Heritage, Identity and Connectedness – A Personal Reflection


  • Mohammad Ali Hijazi University of Melbourne



Hospital chaplaincy, Islam, Muslims in Australia, prison chaplaincy, tertiary chaplaincy


This article is a personal reflection by a Muslim university chaplain regarding Muslim heritage, identity and connectedness among Muslims in Australia. It considers a number of challenges that Muslims face in the Australian community and more specifically within the university and prison contexts. Advocating an Islamic philosophy as being the ideal religion, it presents a Muslim chaplain’s approach to pastoral care practice. A version of this article was first given as a paper presented at the 2015 Spiritual Care Australia national chaplains’ conference and it is supplemented here by a response (also within this edition) from two reviewers who have critically reflected upon the author’s perspective (see Cohen and Duncan in this issue of the journal, pp. 166–73).

Author Biography

  • Mohammad Ali Hijazi, University of Melbourne

    Mohammad Ali Hijazi is the Muslim Chaplain at the University of Melbourne. A version of this article was presented at the Spiritual Care Australia National Conference, April 2015, Hobart, Tasmania.


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How to Cite

Hijazi, M. A. (2015). The Ground of Our Being: Muslim Heritage, Identity and Connectedness – A Personal Reflection. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 3(2), 155-165.