How Could Co-production Principles Improve Mental Health Spiritual and Pastoral Care (Chaplaincy) Services?


  • Emily Wood Cardiff Centre of Chaplaincy Studies and University of Sheffield
  • Julian Raffay Mersey Care NHS Trust
  • Andrew Todd Cardiff Centre of Chaplaincy Studies



Chaplaincy, co-production, mental health services, service user perspectives, spiritual and pastoral care


This report reflects on our experiences of using co-production in mental health chaplaincy research and how the lessons learned can be applied both to research and to service design and delivery in the NHS. A panel of experts by experience was recruited to assist in planning and implementing a research project to explore service users’ views of NHS mental health chaplaincy (spiritual and pastoral care services). Both the panel and the interviewees provided clear insights into how services could be run in a more patient-centred manner, participants were thoughtful, usually realistic and considered in their suggestions. Recruitment was not difficult suggesting that those who use mental health services are keen to share their opinions on the spiritual care they receive. Eliciting views from service users in different Trusts will show if our findings can be considered representative of the UK.

Author Biographies

  • Emily Wood, Cardiff Centre of Chaplaincy Studies and University of Sheffield

    Dr Emily Wood is a mental health nurse and researcher with the Cardiff Centre of Chaplaincy Studies and the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.

  • Julian Raffay, Mersey Care NHS Trust

    The Revd Julian Raffay is Specialist Chaplain (Research, Education, and Development) at Mersey Care NHS Trust. He is the corresponding author for this article.

  • Andrew Todd, Cardiff Centre of Chaplaincy Studies

    The Revd Canon Dr Andrew Todd is the Director of the Cardiff Centre for Chaplaincy Studies, which is sponsored by Cardiff University and St Michael’s College.


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How to Cite

Wood, E., Raffay, J., & Todd, A. (2016). How Could Co-production Principles Improve Mental Health Spiritual and Pastoral Care (Chaplaincy) Services?. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 4(1), 51-56.