Dutch Case Studies Project in Chaplaincy Care

A Description and Theoretical Explanation of the Format and Procedures


  • Martin Walton Protestant Theological University
  • Jacques Körver Tilburg School of Catholic Theology




Case studies, chaplaincy care, format, methodology, research communities


The recent surge of case studies in chaplaincy care raises challenges on the comparability of case studies and the degree to which they elucidate the relation between theory and practice. The Dutch Case Studies Project (CSP) addresses these and other issues by use of a set format and procedure and by evaluation in research communities of chaplains and academic researchers. We first place CSP in the context of Dutch chaplaincy and its recent history. The question of selection of a case for a case study then leads to a discussion of a number of methodological issues. That moves into an explanation of the following steps in the procedure: description, evaluation and finalization. Issues for further discussion and a conclusion complete the article.

Author Biographies

  • Martin Walton, Protestant Theological University

    Martin Walton is Professor of Chaplaincy Care at the Protestant Theological University. He chairs the academic advisory board of the Dutch chaplaincy association, VGVZ. His research topics include intercultural and interreligious chaplaincy care and conceptualizations of chaplaincy and spirituality.

  • Jacques Körver, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology

    Jacques Körver is Associate Professor of Practical Theology and CPE Supervisor at the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology and Chief Editor of the Dutch chaplaincy journal, Tijdschrift Geestelijke Verzorging. His research topics include religious coping, the personality of the chaplain, chaplains and organizations, and theoretical underpinnings of chaplaincy.


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How to Cite

Walton, M., & Körver, J. (2018). Dutch Case Studies Project in Chaplaincy Care: A Description and Theoretical Explanation of the Format and Procedures. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 5(2), 257-280. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.34302