What Is the Impact of Chaplaincy in Primary Care?

The GP Perspective


  • Austyn Snowden Edinburgh Napier University
  • Alan Gibbon Chaplains Office, Ninewells
  • Rebecca Grant NHS Tayside




spiritual care, community, primary care, chaplaincy, general practice, modern maladies


People often attend primary care with sub-clinical or non-medical issues such as bereavement, distress, or loneliness. Often what is needed is someone to listen, but GP appointments are inappropriate for this. Community Chaplaincy Listening (CCL) is a listening service delivered by chaplains in Scotland, developed to help people in primary care with problems like these. Evaluations have shown that recipients of CCL feel more peaceful, less anxious and have a better outlook on life as a consequence. However, the impact from a referring GP perspective is not yet known. This perspective is essential for all stakeholders, but particularly future service commissioners.

Author Biographies

  • Austyn Snowden, Edinburgh Napier University

    Austyn Snowden is Professor in Mental Health at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland; and Visiting Professor and lead researcher of the European Research Institute for Chaplains in Healthcare (ERICH), Leuven University, Belgium.

  • Alan Gibbon, Chaplains Office, Ninewells

    Alan Gibbon is a Senior Chaplain and Professional Lead for Person Centred Care with the Department of Spiritual Care NHS Tayside. He is also National Strategic Lead for Community Chaplaincy Listening in Scotland.

  • Rebecca Grant, NHS Tayside

    Rebecca Grant is a junior doctor at Ninewells Hospital. She graduated from Dundee Medical School where she gained experience with the Chaplains and Spiritual Care team during her Second Year.


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How to Cite

Snowden, A., Gibbon, A., & Grant, R. (2019). What Is the Impact of Chaplaincy in Primary Care? The GP Perspective. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 6(2), 200-214. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.34709