Morality, Altruism, and Religion in Economics Perspective


  • James A. Montanye



humanism, altruism, morality, human behaviour


Recent brain imaging studies support sociobiology’s earlier claims about morality, altruism, and religion being rooted in evolved brain function. Despite these insights, however, neuroscience and sociobiology, like theology, provide incomplete answers to persistent what and why questions regarding the metaphysical aspects of human behavior. This essay addresses some unsettled issues along these lines by combining a priori economics principles with the standard consilience of natural science and moral philosophy.

Author Biography

  • James A. Montanye

    James A. Montanye A consulting economist by profession, long-time humanist James Montayne resides in Falls Church, Virginia.


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How to Cite

Montanye, J. (2013). Morality, Altruism, and Religion in Economics Perspective. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 20(2), 19-44.