For the Love

The Amateur Humanist Intellectual


  • Christopher J. Kazanjian El Paso Community College



public intellectuals, expert knowledge, professionalization, institutionalization, organic intellectual, amateurism, humanism


The twenty-first century has experienced a surge of intellectuals and specialists that dominate understandings of life and human phenomena. Reawakening the Gramscian definition of the organic intellectual, this paper problematizes ideas of intellectual qualification. It argues that an amateuristic mind will ultimately come to appreciate a humanistic intellectualism. The paper also argues that those working in institutions of education must allow their humanistic endeavors for facilitating the growth of others and the self to be driven by amateurism.

Author Biography

  • Christopher J. Kazanjian, El Paso Community College

    Dr. Christopher Kazanjian received his doctorate from New Mexico State University’s Curriculum and Instruction department. He is a professor of education and history at El Paso Community College.


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How to Cite

Kazanjian, C. (2014). For the Love: The Amateur Humanist Intellectual. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 21(1), 49-63.

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