World-viewing Dialogues on Precarious Life

The Urgency of a New Existential, Spiritual, and Ethical Language in the Search for Meaning in Vulnerable life


  • Christa Anbeek University of Humanistic Studies Utrecht Free University Amsterdam



Contrast experiences, vulnerability, existential and ethical reorientation, world-viewing dialogues


In the last sixty years the West-European religious landscape has changed radically. People, and also religious and humanist communities, in a post-sec¬ular world are challenged to develop a new existential, ethical and spiritual language that fits to their global and pluralistic surroundings. This new world-viewing language could rise out of the reflection on contrast experiences, positive and negative disruptive experiences that question the everyday inter pretations of life. The connection of these articulated reflections on contrast experiences with former world-viewing sources and practices with regard to precarious life could provide new meaning and orientation for individuals and communities. Four different sorts of dialogues can be distinguished, which together I call world-viewing dialogues: contrast experiences and the dialogue with oneself, contrast experiences discussed in small groups, contrast experiences and values in our nowadays society and contrast experiences in dialogue with philosophical and religious traditions from different cultures and ages.

Author Biography

  • Christa Anbeek, University of Humanistic Studies Utrecht Free University Amsterdam

    Professor liberal theology, religious humanism


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How to Cite

Anbeek, C. (2017). World-viewing Dialogues on Precarious Life: The Urgency of a New Existential, Spiritual, and Ethical Language in the Search for Meaning in Vulnerable life. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 25(2), 171-185.