Chasing the Rising Red Crescent

Sino-Shi‘a Relations in Post-Cold War Era China


  • Itamar Y Lee Center for Contemporary China Studies, Seoul



China's Middle East Policy, post cold war, geopolitics, Sino-Shi'i relations


This article adopts a unique angle to analyze China’s Middle East policy in “Chasing the Rising Red Crescent: Sino-Shi’i Relations in the Post-Cold War Era.” With the end of the Cold War and the political renaissance of Islam, the author argues that China’s strategic approaches towards the Middle East have changed fundamentally. The rise of China on the Middle East coupled with the strategic ascendancy of Shi’i Islam in the Middle East invites a strategic window for the emerging architecture of global geopolitics and world economy. The aim of Lee’s study is to make clear the historical trajectories and evolving strategic calculations in China’s Middle East policy and its global implications by reviewing Sino-Shi’i relations in general and introducing Chinese strategic interactions with Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas in particular. Since the establishment of zhongguo zhongdong wenti teshi [Chinese Special Envoy for Middle Eastern Affairs] in 2002, China’s economic presence and political clout in the Middle East including the Shi’i region have been advanced obviously. Sino-Shi’i relations in the post-Cold War era, thus, should be seriously examined not only for understanding China’s strategic perceptions of the Middle East but also for explaining the pattern of Chinese foreign behaviours, as well as for expecting the impact of China’s rising in the region and its geopolitical implications for the future of China-U.S. relations.

Author Biography

  • Itamar Y Lee, Center for Contemporary China Studies, Seoul

    Itamar Y. Lee is a research fellow at Global Studies Institute in Hong Kong, and research associate at the Center for Contemporary China Studies (CCCS/HUGS) in Seoul, Republic of Korea.


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Strategic Relations between Asia and the Middle East

How to Cite

Lee, I. Y. (2012). Chasing the Rising Red Crescent: Sino-Shi‘a Relations in Post-Cold War Era China. Comparative Islamic Studies, 7(1-2), 313-347.