The Middle East and the Philippines

Transnational Linkages, Labor Migration and the Remaking of Philippine Islam


  • Vivienne SM Angeles La Salle University



Migration, Filipino Catholics, Conversion, Philippine Islam, Balik Islam


In this article, Angeles explains how historically Islam in the Philippines has been identified as a religion of ethnic groups that are concentrated in the southern part of the country. Yet Islam in the Philippines has now transcended ethnic boundaries with the increasing number of Filipino Catholics converting to Islam. The author describes how labor migration to the Middle East has led to changes in the composition of Muslims in the Philippines, which in turn has resulted in the growing plural nature of Philippine Islam. This change is demonstrated by the growth of the Balik Islam (converts/ “reverts” to Islam) movement in the country and the changing material culture of the religion (Islamic dress, mosque architecture). Angeles traces the historical development of Philippine labor migration to the Middle East, explores the linkage between labor migration and conversion, and then studies the composition, purposes and aims of the Balik Islam movements that are linked to labor migration. She goes on to analyze the patterns that emerge out of these movements and their implications for Philippine Islam.

Author Biography

  • Vivienne SM Angeles, La Salle University

    Vivienne SM. Angeles is associate professor of Religion teaching Islam and Comparative Religions at the Department of Religion at La Salle University in Philadelphia. Born in the Philippines, she was educated at the University of the Philippines, Kansas State University and Temple University. She has published on the subjects of Muslim movements, Muslim identity and Muslim women in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Her research interests include identity creation through visual expressions of Islam in the Philippines and Malaysia and religion and migration. She is an affiliate of the Harvard University Pluralism Project and past president of the American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies.


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Transnational Allegiances and Local Culture in Asia

How to Cite

Angeles, V. S. (2012). The Middle East and the Philippines: Transnational Linkages, Labor Migration and the Remaking of Philippine Islam. Comparative Islamic Studies, 7(1-2), 157-181.