Ethnography as Heuristic Experience, Historical Research, and Multiple Method


  • Mehmet Orhan



Islam and Muslims, study of religion in Europe, Method and Theory, methodology


The Essay is the Bulletin’s peer-review forum for scholarly journal articles. In this issue we are pleased to share Mehmet Orhan’s discussion of ethnography and its intersection with methods in historiography, phenomenology, and narratology. In this essay, Orhan provides a useful primer to ethnographic fieldwork and how it can be used in the academic study of religion. His research features Muslim communities as data for this kind of analysis but, as you will read, illustrates possibilities for study in other data domains.


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The Essay

How to Cite

Orhan, M. (2024). Ethnography as Heuristic Experience, Historical Research, and Multiple Method. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 52(3), 102-111.